会社名 | ジェネラル・リインシュアランス・エイジイ |
ふりがな | じぇねらる・りいんしゅあらんす・えいじい |
会社URL | http://www.genre.com/page |
Dear Business Friends,
At Gen Re, we are committed to a direct business model and a disciplined, transparent, consistent approach to underwriting and claims expertise that we hope is meaningful to our clients.
We are excited about the opportunities ahead. There is significant uncertainty on almost every front – economic, political, climate, seismic and regulatory – which creates opportunities for those who underwrite with discipline and manage risk conservatively. We strive to do both such that we can honor our commitments (the promises) we have made to our clients around the world.
Thank you to our clients for the opportunity to partner with you. We take our commitments very seriously. We take pride in working with you to provide a product that is critical to both the economy and commerce in a responsible manner.
郵便番号 | 103-0013 |
都道府県 | 東京都 |
住所 | 中央区日本橋人形町3-8-1 TT-2ビル 11F |
電話番号 | 03-3663-7446 |
FAX | 03-3663-7472 |
支店数 | 0 |
証券市場 | 未上場 |
代表者名 | Tad Montross |
グループ会社 | •Gen Re (Direct Reinsurance Operations) •Gen Re Intermediaries •GR-NEAM •General Star •Genesis •USAU •Faraday |